Sunday, September 22, 2013

On the weekend of September 21 and 22 I was in Salton city again and found out through neighbors and the internet that the subject house in the last blog has been sold.  It has a "sale pending" notification on it.  It took less then a month.  This weekend we discovered more children of the same age as my son are living in the vicinity and all were willing to accept my sons friendship.

The selling price of the home is currently unknown as well as who are the purchasers.  I'll report on this subject as soon as the information is known.  Until then, I'll keep my fingers crossed.

This weekend I decided to visit and check out the Salton sea on its declining level.  What I saw didn't surprise me but the current level definitely is dropping at an alarming rate.  However, Its beauty is still incredibly fascinating as you will see in the following photos.  The bird life at the sea is busy in the morning with both their movements as well as their sounds.
The above is the earliest image showing the Salton sea at sunrise around 6:15 am  The sun was still well below the chocolate mountains in the background.
A little later image of sunrise at the Salton sea with the sun's glow right below the horizon ready to shine on the next beautiful day in the desert.
The final two shots and the those  I enjoy the most shows the sun over the chocolate mountains. The lower photo shows bird activity in the morning.  In the foreground that water you see has dropped at least three feet.  The old water line can be seen about a third of the way up on the jetty.
Off roading season starts around the first of October, but my son and his friends were able to enjoy it earlier due to the cooling weather.  This weekend the temperature never exceeded 90 degrees.
The above shows my son and a friend enjoying the desert through off roading.
Another view of my son and friends driving down the street getting ready for more off roading.
Later posts will give you an idea of how popular off roading has become in the Salton city area.  There are many open public lands with all types of terrain for those who love the sport to enjoy.  Well, I'll keep writing if you will continue reading, and if you so desire feel free to post a comment.  I would like to know how I'm doing, have a good day and my next post will be in mid-October.

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