Monday, July 20, 2015

I went to Salton City for just one night  on Saturday July 18th and arrived there about 12:30 pm.  On the drive between Borrego Springs and Salton City we ran into a heavy downpour and the thought of flash floods crossed my mind and I reduced my speed and proceeded with caution.  It only lasted about 5 minutes and the rest of the drive was uneventful.  Arriving at the house to strong winds and  occasional rain.  It remained cool but humid for the remainder of the day. I even considered taking out the off road vehicles since the day was fairly cool.  At least one other had the same idea since I saw them on the State owned land behind my home.   It was so nice to see them enjoying the desert this late in the season.  Salton City is definitely in hibernation mode with many residents off to cooler digs.

Sunday morning July 19th, I got up early as usual to watch the breathtaking sunrise as usual.  The sky was mostly clear and I decided to go out to see if the new traffic signal was in operation.  As the photo below shows, it is now fully online and functioning.  However if you look at the photo closely you will see that the highway name sign is dangling, a result of Saturday's windstorm.

If you look at the lower right there appears to be a cross as if some fatality occurred at this intersection.  I know many accidents with fatalities had in the past, and I will have to go back and see if I can pick up some sort of history on this particular one.  It was one of the major arguments as to why this intersection needed a traffic signal. The local hardware store is now history.  But the neighborly togetherness remains strong.

I spent much of Sunday morning performing routine maintenance on the off road vehicles and was astonished as to how fast the clouds were building up over the local mountain ranges.  You can easily distinguish where the updrafts were occurring.  When we left around 2pm to return to National City, we could easily see a dark wall of clouds to the West.  

This cloud formation dropped heavy rain West of Borrego Springs to right before the city of Ramona.  about a 45 minute drive.  I later discovered that Ramona received about 4 inches of rain and many roads were flooded. Salton City itself on Sunday received no rain as far as I know.