Monday, May 25, 2015

Salton city over the Memorial Day weekend was surprising in the form that it was not too hot and some off roaders were enjoying the desert this late in the season.  They were riding on the state land behind my home as well in the off road parks to the West of the city.  Most days were in the high 80's and with a breeze blowing it wasn't hot.  The sky was pretty much clear and the evenings were refreshingly cool.  

On a sad note, I was surprised to hear that the owner of the Hardware business is closing his store to dedicate more time at home.  Now there will be no local business for home repair necessities and it would be necessary to go to Home depot in Indio for home dedicated repair items. Indio is about a half hour drive from the Salton City residence. For me its not too bad since I'm there only part time I can plan a project ahead of time and bring with me the items needed and hope no surprises develop.

On a happier note the installation of the new traffic signal is nearing completion and will be online soon.  I hear from locals that this has the desired side effect of attracting new businesses. Below is a photo of the intersection looking to the southwest:

One issue currently developing in Salton City is the outrageous cost the Salton communities services district is trying to impose on the homeowners within its district.  It will be challenged by some in the community but all bets show it will be to no avail.  We may have to resort to Proposition 218 as was used recently by citizens in the city of San Juan Capistrano.  Proposition 218 states that an agency or utility cannot charge more for a service then the cost to actually provide the service.  And if they raise fees a significant amount it needs to go before a vote of the residents and businesses effected.  In other words, they cannot raise costs on customers simply to correct budgets that didn't need correcting in the first place.  

However, even with this friction developing I still think the area has great potential and could develop into a recreational hot spot if plans and ideas are well thought out.  It can benefit both, existing and future residents and businesses.  Locals I talked to don't mind growth and all welcome it.  

Till next post, have a good day!