Tuesday, March 17, 2015

I went to Salton city for the weekend of March 13, 14 and 15.  As usual I always find it difficult when the weekend is over and it's time to go home.  The neighborhood where my house sits is pretty much filled with new residents.  Only one house, recently rehabbed is on the market and listed for sale.  Almost all of my Son's friends have moved away but that doesn't discourage him from coming to the desert.  He can still use his dune buggy and he tells me there is little time to be bored.

Well, away from my personal situation and on with the beauty of Salton city.  Some pleasant changes were in store for me.  It seems that powered paragliding and ultra light aircraft owners find Salton city a desirable location to practice as well as promote their sport.  I didn't have my camera with me when I spotted them so therefore wasn't able to photograph them.  I hope to be better prepared next time I visit.  I realize that a good reporter should be prepared 24/7 and from now on I'll try to always be prepared.  I hope to interview some of these pilots and why they enjoy their sport in a future blog.  Who knows, maybe when I retire here I can buy an ultralight and join them!

Another surprise was that the new Jack in the box restaurant is now open and serving food.  Here is a night shot of it:

I am surprised at the speed it was built.  Next in coming to Salton city according to locals I've talked to is going to be the traffic signal.  I get the feeling that Salton city is actually growing.  Personally I hope the trend continues.  

It was warm this weekend due mainly to Santa Ana wind conditions.  However, it wasn't warm enough to halt off roading activities.  I was surprised to see quite a few RV's with their off road toys West of the city.  If you're not aware yet, the three and a half months of summer heat from around the first of June to around the middle of September all off road activity stops and Salton city pretty much shuts down except for those using the community pool.  Summer also brings thunderstorms to the area when they occasionally drift over from Arizona's monsoon season.  I hope to visit the area this Summer and if I'm lucky I'll be able to either video or photograph some of these for future posts on this blog.

The one thing I like to see in Salton city are the spectacular sunrises.  It's like an obsession with me because I wake up early just to see it every time I'm there.  See for yourself in the next photo.  I know I've photographed these before so I hope it doesn't bore you.

Also I decided to check out a newer constructed home that was apparently abandoned and never finished by the builder.  It would have been a nice house and it's sad that it'll never be lived in.

As you can see, Salton city is not perfect, but what place truly is.  I love the place and so do many others.  It has wide open spaces and the pace is small town slow compared to a city like National City. In National City for example, no one seems to have the time to be friendly probably because of the high expense of living there.  Everyone is more interested in trying to stay ahead by earning the almighty dollar that it consumes the majority of their free time. Salton city on the other hand gives people the chance to truly breath, live calmer and trust one another, at least in my immediate neighborhood anyway.  Its difficult to describe the atmosphere here in writing.  All I can say is that I'm finding it very difficult to find someone who does not care for the area, including visitors like me.  The neighborhood is very safe and people friendly are the reasons given most often as to why the area is well loved.

Thanks for reading and next post will come soon.