Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Salton City over both Thanksgiving and New Years was definitely the place to be.  The weather was perfect.  Plenty of visiting off roaders and residents as well as businesses were happy.  The new Jack in the box restaurant is being constructed at a fast pace.  Neighbors telling me of seeing lots being cleaned up and grazed for possible construction of something.  It's nice to see even though the sea is sick that people are still feeling confident about investing in the area.

New Years weekend was a cold one.  Nights dropped into the lower 30's and days rarely got over 65.  The visiting off roading crowd certainly enjoyed that.  It seems there were more of them this year.  Possible hint that the economy is definitely growing.

As mentioned above, The new Jack in the box is taking shape and will probably be ready to serve food in a month or so.  Here is a construction photo of it's progress:

I feel that the Family Dollar store has a big influence on commercial development in Salton City.  From their point of economic views, its one of their best performing stores and I think others began to realize the economic powerhouse local consumers provide.  No other chain store was willing to invest, especially when the local housing crash occurred.  I suspect that Family Dollar executives saw what I saw.  People like me were able to buy homes in the area at heavily discounted prices.  Many permanent locals were able to do the same.  Lower housing costs give consumers more disposable income to spend and the result is more sales and income for local business.  Some of my recent neighbors confirm this.  One neighbor stated that up in Indio (about 30 miles to the north)  they rented an older three bedroom home for 1100 a month.  The nine year old three bedroom house they rent in Salton City costs 650 a month and includes water.  A 450 a month savings.

Salton city has another major benefit you probably won't find in any other city in California and that is free access to the local dump for trash disposal.  In National City it costs like 35 dollars a trip.  You need to do two things to access the dump free.  One is to show ID that your a resident of the area or if that's not available a bill like a property tax bill that shows a local address.  Many of my neighbors use the local pick up service for trash disposal.  In my case since I show up there one or two weekends  a month makes more economic sense to haul it myself.  You don't need to earn a lot of money to live the middle class life in Salton City.

Based on current news articles I've been reading, the Salton Sea has the potential to produce sufficient world-class quantities of lithium for batteries.  As more electronic devices as well as automobiles use lithium rechargeable batteries, this has the potential to provide an employment base for local residents.  None of my neighbors object to a factory coming to Imperial county where the bulk of the Salton Sea lies.  I hope that those in the field of rechargeable batteries around the world read this and consider this area for investment to make such batteries. Me and my neighbors welcome you!

And now, a photo taken from my patio of the early morning moon set in beautiful Salton City California.

Thanks for reading, new post coming soon.