Sunday, January 5, 2014

New Year's was perfect in the Salton city area.  The weather cooperated providing plenty of sunshine and temperatures never exceeding 78 degrees during the day.  No strong winds to worth mentioning.  Many of the local retailers and businesses I visited reported very good business.  With New Years falling on a Wednesday, many off roaders were here for well over a week.  I was there for five days myself and the time went by incredibly fast. 

I noticed that the RV and off road enthusiasts were out in force with my neighbors mentioning that if we use their big number presence as a gauge the recession here in the US can be considered over.  Their off road vehicles were in every parking lot of every business I visited and therefore business owners were happy.

Salton city has at least one, possibly more off road parks to the west of the city.  They are designated off road parks on Imperial county maps available in the area.  The off road portion seems to end when you get to the San Diego county line which lies around seven to ten miles west of Salton city.

I took some pictures of RV off road areas to show you which were west of Salton city, here's the first:

This is an early morning shot looking east which shows the Salton city sunrise over the Salton sea in the background.  In the center are a group of RV's and their off road toys and that road you see in the foreground is the Borrego Salton seaway county road S-22.

This picture was taken from the same location as the above but looks to the west and shows another group of RV's in the off road park.  These photos were taken just after sunrise on New Years day and I suspect the majority of them were still sleeping from the previous nights celebration for no off road activity could be seen.
I strolled the grounds of what used to be a public golf course and now comprises part of the off road park west of Salton city.
Dead palms abound at the old golf course in this photo looking to the east with the Salton sea barely visible in the distance.
The foundations of what used to be a pedestrian bridge over a wash at the old golf course are visible in the middle of this photo.

The top photo shows a small maintenance shack on the former golf course while the second photo shows a much larger maintenance building which appears to be visited by off road vehicles performing donuts in its interior.  The bottom photo shows a group of RV's and seen from the location of the large maintenance building.

Hope you enjoyed this post and the next one will be in about a month.